The Reverend Perry C. Bramlett Collection Enhancement Fund

A graduate of Southern Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky; a noted author; and a dedicated and respected scholar, Rev. Perry C. Bramlett’s lifework was taking C.S. Lewis to the local church. His widow, Joan Fine Bramlett of Fairhope, Alabama, selected Mercer University to house this collection to honor Perry’s work, to share the significance of Perry’s life, and to mark his contributions to the scholarship of C.S. Lewis and his friends and their influences.

The collection includes Perry’s notes on more than 2,500 hours of talks, tours, and retreats presented to groups in 25 states. Materials Perry used in his research and writing on C.S. Lewis and others, emphasizing the man, the writer, and his influence are featured in this collection. Also present are materials on the circle of friends who came to be known as the Inklings, notably J .R.R. Tolkien; Lewis’s brother, Warnie Lewis; his wife, Joy Gresham Davidman; and his illustrator, Pauline Baynes, among others. Circulating materials are prominently displayed on the third floor of the Jack Tarver Library of Mercer University in Macon, Georgia. Archival materials are available in Mercer’s Archives, Special Collections, & Digital Initiatives, located on Tarver’s third floor. The collection is available for viewing during regular library hours.

Rev. Perry C. Bramlett & Joan Fine Bramlett

“Perry worked very hard and truly loved sharing about C.S. Lewis. He was also very good at it. Our friend, Ron Higdon, wrote a book about grief after his son died. He shared that ‘personal, concrete remembrances of someone you have lost are especially significant to the reality of a life lived,’ and ‘to remember is to bestow a gift of significance.’ Perry always inspired his audiences to read C.S. Lewis. Providing this collection to Mercer and having Perry honored is my way to inspire and encourage many and share the significance of Perry’s life.” – Joan Fine Bramlett 

To make a financial contribution to the Bramlett Collection Enhancement Fund, you may make an online gift on the University Advancement website. Remember to enter your gift amount in the box marked “University Library.”   

For more information, please contact:

Shawna Dooley 
Associate Vice President for Advancement 
1400 Coleman Avenue 
Macon, GA 31207
(800) 837-2911