Borrowing Materials (Circulation Policy)

Note: Since the library locations are currently Bear Card access only, an individual who is not a current Mercer student, faculty, or staff, should contact the libraries to schedule an appointment. If he/she is a Mercer University alumnus, he/she may apply for alumni borrowing privileges.

Mercer University Libraries have a number of service locations, but a single set of loan rules. 

Computer Use in Libraries

Only borrowers with an MUID (Mercer University ID) and Active Directory credentials have access to computers. Other borrowers may not have access to computers but can get assistance at the circulation desk. 

Borrowing Materials

Currently enrolled students and currently employed faculty and staff may borrow materials from the Mercer University Libraries by presenting their Mercer ID (Bear Card). The Mercer ID may also be used to access any of our 24-hour study rooms.

Note: Reference materials, print journals, microfilm/microfiche, Special Collections, and some government documents are restricted to library use only.

The loan periods for different types of materials are as follows:

Material TypesStudentsEmployeesOther
Books & Sound Recordings90 days / 1 renewal120 days / 2 renewals28 days / 1 renewal
Video7 days / no renewals
10 video limit
7 days / no renewals
10 video limit
Not permitted
Maximum Items Allowed100 itemsunlimited items10 items


In addition to the traditional items above, we also have limited equipment available for students and employees to borrow. Check with your library to see availability. Fines and replacement fees vary for equipment loans.

Holds & Recalls


If an item you want is checked out and you wish to be notified of its return, you can place a hold on the item through our the online catalog:

  1. After you have found your item, click the “request” button located in the blue bar near the top of the page.
  2. Complete the form to include your name, MUID, pick-up location, and your contact information.

If you have any questions, please ask at a service point, we would be happy to help!


Recalling an Item (Mercer Faculty & Staff Only)

If an item a borrower urgently needs is checked out and he/she would like to have it as soon as possible, he/she may request that the item be recalled. When an item is recalled, the person in possession of the item receives a request to return it. Only Mercer faculty and staff may place recalls on library material.

Having Your Item Recalled

Note: If a person recalls an item a borrower has checked out, he/she will receive a new due date and a fine of $2.50 per day will be charged beyond that due date.

Items needed by faculty for a class or reserve will be recalled with an immediate due date. Recall dates are determined by a patron’s registration status and the type of item being recalled. Additionally, each patron type and each material type has different guaranteed loan periods as follows:

Material TypesStudentsEmployeesOther
Books & Sound Recordings28 day guaranteed loan period28 day guaranteed loan period14 day guaranteed loan period
Video7 day guaranteed loan period7 day guaranteed loan periodNot permitted

Fines & Lost Item Charges

  • Library privileges will be suspended for students owing $25.00 or more. Employees owing $500 or more will likewise have their library privileges suspended.
  • Library holds will be placed on the student information record of any student owing $25.00 or more.
  • Fines may be paid via Bear Card at the circulation desk or online via the Mercer eStore using a credit or debit card. See our FAQ for step-by-step instructions.
  • Overdue books, CD-ROMs, and sound recordings accrue no late fines, as long as original items are returned, or if they have been recalled (see “Recalls” above). However, once an item has been reported “lost” in the system, the item record is removed, and a new copy automatically purchased by the Libraries.
  • When lost items are billed, there is a non-refundable fee of $65 per item and a $10 service If the item replacement costs exceed $65.00, the actual cost will be charged instead.
  • After a replacement item is purchased, no refunds will be given, even if the original item is later returned.
  • For any questions about a charge or this policy, please contact Library Administration:
    • Tarver Library patrons may contact Ceallsach Crouch, Public Services Librarian.
    • Swilley Library patrons may contact Kim Eccles, Director.
Item TypeFine
Books, CD-ROMS, & Sound Recordings--
DVD/VHS$1.00 per day, per item
3-Hour Reserves/Library Use Only$1.00 per hour, per item
Overnight Reserves$1.00 per hour, per item
1-day Reserves$1.00 per day, per item
3-day Reserves $1.00 per day, per item
1-week Reserves$1.00 per day, per item
Equipment$5.00 per hour, per hourly item
$25.00 per day, per daily item

Lost or Damaged Items

Item TypeReplacement Fees
Keys$7.00 fine for a lost study room key
Lost Books, DVD/VHS, Equipment*$65.00 + $10.00 processing fee
Recalls$2.50 per day

* if replacement cost exceeds $65.00, the actual cost will be charged instead.