Swilley Research Award Applications, 2023

2023 Swilley Research Award. $300 prize for the winner. $200 prize for the runner-up. All Atlanta/RAC students can apply. Submission deadline: February 24, 2023.

Did you receive a high grade on a library research project?  Consider applying for the Monroe F. Swilley, Jr. Library Student Research Award

The deadline to submit applications is Friday, February 24, 2023 at 11:59 p.m.   The winner will receive $300 and a plaque while the runner-up will receive $200 and a certificate. For group winners, the amount will be split between individuals. Applicants must submit their proposals to the Atlanta Research Conference and choose “yes” to submit to the Swilley Research Award. All Atlanta and RAC students are eligible to apply. Submissions are now being accepted; click here to apply. 

The winner and runner-up will present at the Atlanta and Regional Academic Centers Research Conference on Saturday, April 15, 2023.  For more information about the conference, contact Dr. Cameron Miller at miller_c@mercer.edu. Good luck!