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Adams, Jennie Clare Papers

Identifier: MP-012


  • Creation: 1916-1944


Conditions Governing Access

The collection is open for research. Unpublished manuscripts are protected by copyright. Permission to publish, quote, or reproduce must be secured from the repository and copyright holder. Staff may refuse copying of fragile or at-risk materials.

Researchers must seek permission of donor or donor's family for use of published works included in the collection.

Materials may be accessed by request at the American Baptist Historical Society. For more...
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Biographical / Historical

Dec. 20, 1943. Eleven Baptist missionaries were captured and executed by the Japanese in the Philippines. The missionaries had been in hiding since the beginning of the war, supported by the local people. They created chapel they called Hopevale. Known as the Hopevale Martyrs, Jeannie Clare Adams, James “Jimmy” Howard Covell and his wife Charma Covell, Dorothy Antionette Dowell, Signe Amelia Erickson, Frederick Meyer and his wife Ruth Meyer, Francis... Rose and his wife Gertrude Rose, Erle Rounds and his wife Louise Rounds, and finally Erle Douglas, the Rounds’ son, are remembered for their bravery and faith. ABHS has photographs and records of these missionaries and the Hopevale chapel.

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Biographical / Historical

Jennie C. Adams attended the Western Reserve University School of Nursing, Bailey Training School for Nurses and the Nebraska Wesleyan University for her nursing care education. As a missionary nurse she became the superintendent of the Capiz Emmanuel Hospital from 1923 to 1943. She also became the head of the hospital’s Training School for Nurses in 1923. She worked together with Dr. Frederick W. Meyer at Capiz Emmanuel Hospital and stayed in Capiz... for twenty years up until she died in Hopevale.

It can be recalled that during the World War II, the United States Army moved the mission hospital from Roxas to a schoolhouse in Dumalag. But Miss Adams and several nurses chose to remain in Capiz the Emmanuel Hospital building to attend to patients.

On December 17-20, 2018, the Convention of Philippine Baptist Churches will spearhead the Hopevale Diamond Commemoration to be held at Central Philippine University, Filamer Christian University and in Hopevale, Tapaz, Capiz.

Accessed 2020 Dec 9 from

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6.4 Linear Feet

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Processing Information

No information on who processed and boxed the materials initially, but there was no inventory. Arranged and described at the file level by Jill Sweetapple, 2020.

Jennie Clare Adams
Jill Sweetapple
Language of description
Script of description

Revision Statements

  • 2020-12-09: Inventory expanded for more detail.

Repository Details

Part of the American Baptist Historical Society Repository

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