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Root, Annie Papers

Identifier: MP-060


  • Existence: 1969-1982

Language of Materials

All materials within this collection are in English.

Conditions Governing Access

The collection is open for research. Unpublished manuscripts are protected by copyright. Permission to publish, quote, or reproduce must be secured from the repository and copyright holder. Staff may refuse copying of fragile or at-risk materials.

Materials may be accessed by request at the American Baptist Historical Society. For more information on accessing collections or obtaining copies, visit

Biographical / Historical

Dr. Annie Elizabeth Root, American Baptist missionary to China, and later staff member of the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society and Woman's American Baptist Foreign Mission Society, died in Alhambra, California, on January 16, 1993. A memorial service in celebration of her life was held at the Miriam Chapel of Atherton Baptist Homes, Alhambra.

Annie was born on January 19, 1904, in Salubria Valley, Idaho. She spent her youth actively involved in the Worldwide Guild and Baptist Young People's Union. She also taught Sunday school. In 1924, she entered Linfield College, where she took courses in economics, business law, and retail merchandising. She was graduated cum laude with a major in English in 1928. Her secretarial and business training and her experience following graduation perfectly equipped her for the position of English secretary to Dr. Herman C. E. Liu, president of Shanghai University in China. He gave her the Chinese name Roo An E, which means peace and righteousness. Annie treasured this name and strove to live up to it during her long career. She served in this capacity from the time of her appointment as a missionary in 1929 until 1941, when the war necessitated her return to the United States. In 1943, Annie was appointed treasurer of the Woman's American Baptist Foreign Mission Society. She became associate treasurer and an associate secretary in 1952 when the WABFMS and ABFMS began to merge. She also served on boards of several overseas institutions. She was honored in 1953 by her Alma Mater, which bestowed on her the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters. Her abilities in business and finance contributed much to the mission of American Baptists.

Upon her retirement in 1969, Dr. Root moved to Atherton Baptist Homes. She became actively involved in community organizations and volunteered as ; a driver for day trips and excursions, read to residents with poor eyesight, and assisted office staff with large mailings.

Annie is survived by a niece, Mrs. Marilyn Webb .



,4 Linear Feet (1 box)

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Immediate Source of Acquisition

Given to International Ministries by Atherton Baptist Homes, who gave it to ABHS in 1993

Related Materials

See also American Baptist Foreign Mission Society: Missionary Correspondence

File Plan

Dr. Annie Root 1982 picture and nameplate, Retirement Book, 2 folders, 1969

Language of description
Script of description
Code for undetermined script

Repository Details

Part of the American Baptist Historical Society Repository

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